Gifts For Our Friend Jaxon Wider
Our friend Jaxon Wider, accompanied by his parents Caitlin and Andrew were personally invited by Meagan and John to receive a special gift from the Tumbleweeds Foundation. Jaxon has undergone 3 open heart surgeries since his birth and in June was left unattended on his school bus causing him to fall from the top stair onto the street. In result, his head was severely swollen and his face extremely bruised. Since then he has recovered from the fall, which should of never of happened as his aid has no response to the situation. To show our support and his fast growing resiliency we gifted him some of his favorite games and toys along with a $200 gift certificate to a art class in which he can participate in multiple classes for his new drawing passion. We love you Jaxon and we are blessed to be able to support your strong heart.